In-service Teacher Training
Apart from giving access and availability of quality secondary education, in-service teacher training plays a major role in improving the quality output of the pupil. Under RMSA, for the years 2009-10 and 2010-11 around 50,000 teachers were trained in
Quality improvement has a significant impact not only on enrolment and retention of children in the school but also on the possibilities of further education for increased productivity and exercise of citizenship rights and responsibilities.
Towards improving the quality in teaching learning process, it was planned to organize orientation to teachers handling various school subjects of classes IX and X and to provide them enrichment material so as to plan for their teaching more effectively and ultimately to see that the students are benefited with better understanding and application of knowledge thus gained.
To conduct in-service training programmes, it becomes necessary to arrange by training needs. For identifying these needs a questionnaire was circulated to all the Secondary Schools in the State. In this questionnaire school teachers were asked to identify and list out the difficult concepts in their respective subjects of classes IX & X. Such collected questionnaires were placed before the panel of subject experts for consolidation. These topics became basis for the preparation of enrichment material.
Subject wise module writers were identified from SCERT, SIET, IASE, and CTE, retired faculty of department of School Education, School Assistants of Government Schools and PGTs of APR Schools.
- A series of module writing workshops were conducted during February and March 2010. Necessary guidance was provided by the State Project Office personnel. These modules are focused mainly to enrich the teachers handling Classes IX and X for effective class room transaction.
- The material thus prepared was refined by the selected subject experts. Modules consisting of enrichment material in each of the school subjects of classes IX and X mainly English, Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences and Social Studies. The modules were simultaneously prepared in Telugu and English version.
- The modules of Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences and Social Studies were got translated into Urdu Translation Department of Moulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) for the benefit of teachers and students of Urdu Medium.
- Modules thus developed were got printed at Government Text Book Press and were used as training material in the training programmes of School Assistants.