This committee will be responsible for all the activities including, planning, collection of data under SEMIS, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and taking corrective / remedial actions on all the components/ interventions of the scheme- infrastructural as well as academic and others, at the school level. The committee will maintain all the relevant records for recurring as well as non-recurring expenditure. These records will be updated on
regular basis and placed before the committee in every meeting. These records and progress on each component/ interventions of the scheme will also be placed in the meetings of Panchayat / Urban Local Bodies.
While the specific composition School Management and Development Committee of may be decided by the States, the suggested composition of SMDC may be as follows,
- Principal, Chairman of the Committee
- Vice Principal, Member
- One teacher related to Social Science, Member
- One teacher related to Science, Member
- One teacher related to Mathematics, Member
- One gentleman from parents, Member
- One lady from parents, Member
- Two members from Panchayat or Urban Local Body
- One member from SC/ ST community
- One member from Educationally Backward Minority Community
- One member from women groups
- One member from Education Development Committee of each village ( to which the school concerned caters)
Three experts as members, each from Science, Humanities and Art/ Craft/
Culture background to be nominated by the District Programme Coordinator
through due process.
One officer from Education Department to be nominated by the District
Education Officer as Member
One member from Audit and Accounts Department
The School Management and Development Committee will be assisted by two sub committees, School Building Committee and Academic Committee, headed by the Principal and Vice Principal respectively.
The School Building Committee will be responsible for all the activities including planning, estimation, management, monitoring, supervision, reporting, maintenance of Accounts, monthly squaring up of accounts, presenting accounts before the School Management Committee or Panchayat or Urban Local Bodies etc. relating to construction, renovation, repairing and maintenance and other related civil works. The Civil Works will be undertaken either on Contract Basis as per rules or by the Community. These works may also be integrated with the appropriate Rural Development Schemes. While the composition of the Sub-Committee can be decided by the State Government, the suggested composition is
as under,
- One member from Panchayat or Urban Local Body
- One member from parents
- One member from experts in Civil Works like Civil Engineer/ consultant
- One member from Audit and Accounts Department
The Academic Committee will be responsible for all academic activities including planning, management, monitoring, supervision, reporting, and collection of data for SEMIS etc. The Academic Committee will be responsible for ensuring quality improvements, equity, reducing barriers- like socio economic, gender and disability, teachers and students attendance, recommending teachers for training, guidance and counseling, students achievements, co curricular and extra curricular activities and over all academic and personality development of students and teachers. While the composition of the Sub-Committee can be decided by the State Government, the suggested composition is as under,
- One member from parents
- Members from experts, each from Science/ Mathematics, Humanities, Art/Craft/ Culture/ Sports etc.
- One Student selected by the Principal ( optional)
Meeting of School Management and Development Committee:- The District Programme Coordinator in consultation with the Education Department will prepare a schedule of meetings for every school within his/ her jurisdiction. It will be ensured that meetings are held frequently and in any case at least once in a fortnight. The schedule of meeting will be circulated among all the members by the principal of the school concerned.
Parent Teacher Association
Every school must have a Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Meeting of PTA will be held at least once in a month. The class teacher will maintain a Suggestion/ Complaint Register for parents of every class. The Principal and Vice-Principal will review this Register regularly and take appropriate action on the suggestions and complaints. This register itself should contain a column for” Action. Taken”. This register will also be placed in the meetings of School Management Committee and the meetings of PRI/ ULBs.